CRYPTONUMIST has unprecedented knowledge and access when it comes to locating the most sought-after coins around the world for the most serious collectors. These include the legendary 1,000 BTC coins and bars which are among the most valuable coins in the world.
Cryptonumist does not maintain public ‘for sale’ listings. We are not a ‘retail’ sales platform, and instead work directly with buyers to find the specific coins they are after and broker the transaction if appropriate. This Bespoke Brokerage Service is reserved for serious buyers looking for coins valued above $50,000. We are often asked what coins are currently available. Considering these coins are generally owned as investments, the simple answer is that just about all coins are available and for sale through our contacts for the right price.

If you want to BUY a certain rare coin, please email coins@cryptonumist.com with your request, along with information about the city/country you are located in. PLEASE NOTE that 95% of sellers will only accept BTC or other crypto-currencies, NOT cash or wire transfers etc. We will contact potential sellers of the coin(s), and communicate with you regarding progress. We will not share your identity with potential sellers without permission. To facilitate high value transactions, we have personally flown around the world on several occasions to pick up and deliver coins in-person. Cryptonumist will sometimes issue detailed certificates for coins. The minimum value of coins available through us is normally $50,000.
If you want to SELL a rare coin, please email coins@cryptonumist.com with information including photos, your city/country, and asking price (specify whether you want BTC or Fiat, etc). All email is reviewed and noted, and you will be notified of potential offers. Please note that we look mostly for unique collections valued over $100,000, and are not particularly interested in 1 BTC Casascius brass coins as we already have access to a number of possible sellers.